FLUNATEC BORE PRO barrel cleaner 100 ml

  • FLU170-1 FLUNATEC BORE PRO barrel cleaner 100 mL - FLU170


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Item number : FLU170

MSRP : 16.00 € incl. tax
FLUNATEC BORE PRO 100ML (nettoyant liquide)
SKU : FLU170
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SKU Designation French Law Vol (ml) MSRP
SKU FLU170 Designation FLUNATEC BORE PRO 100ML (nettoyant liquide) French Law Vente libre Vol (ml) 100 MSRP
16.00 € incl. tax

Flunatec, based in Wals (Austria) is a leading manufacturer of oil-free gun care products and high performance coatings for guns and knives.

Ammonia-free solvent for deep barrel cleaning

  • Non-aggressive ammonia-free solution for barrels
  • Allows the elimination of shot residues, copper and lead
  • Capacity: 100ml
  • Do not apply over blued steel or other coating, plastic or wood.

Manual :

  • Carry out a first coarse cleaning of the barrel in order to remove the main residues
  • Apply FLUNATEC BORE PRO inside the barrel using a soaked felt swab or a soaked copper or brass swab
  • Leave on for 15 minutes
  • Soak the swab again and perform about 10 back and forth movements to ensure good elimination of residues
  • Remove remaining residue with new patches or swabs
  • BORE PRO, due to its non-aggressive composition, does not need to be neutralized

Efficient cleaning of the barrel and its scratches guarantees regularity in the shots and increased precision.

This solution removes lead and copper residues right down to the bottom of the scratches.

Its design without ammonia, preserves the steel of the barrels while offering great cleaning efficiency.

Context : FLUNATEC
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