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Frankford Arsenal is a former United States Army munitions factory located adjacent to the Bridesburg neighborhood in northeast Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, north of the original course of Frankford Creek. From the beginning, Frankford Arsenal was involved in the design and manufacture of munitions. As military weapons became more complex, the center's role expanded to cover the development of a range of more advanced army weapon systems. The Arsenal contained the famous Pitman-Dunn Laboratories as well as a number of other R&D departments. Arsenal scientists and engineers designed and developed everything from basic materials to LASER-guided ballistics, all produced entirely in-house, from the design phase to the commissioning of the equipment. New portable and on-board computer applications have seen the development of the LASER range finder, field artillery computing machines (FADAC) and radar systems. During the Vietnam War, experiments in caseless ammunition, low-light far-infrared technologies, and advanced LASER applications were being developed.

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