Price range (€ TTC)
Number of shots
Length (cm)
Width (cm)
Weight (g)
Thickness (cm)
Volume (ml)
Speed (m/s)
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all products «PIEXON»

Piexon is a Swiss company that stands out for the design of technologically advanced non-lethal defense devices. Specially developed to provide effective protection, Piexon products, such as irritant jet guns and personal defense systems, are used by law enforcement, security professionals, and individuals. The reliability and effectiveness of these devices are enhanced by innovative technology that guarantees greater accuracy and range than other non-lethal defense solutions on the market.
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1-5 on 5 Products
JPX4 active or training refills
Produit Europ-Arm
JPX4 active or training refills
73.00 € TTC
SKU SP327 / SP328
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
SP327 JPX 4 active refills (4 x 9 ml) D
73 € incl. tax
SP328 JPX 4 training refills (4 x 9 ml) D
64 € incl. tax
JPX 4 compact laser protective jet gun + 4 OC ...
Produit Europ-Arm
JPX 4 compact laser protective jet gun + 4 OC ...
595.00 € TTC
SKU SP3260
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
SP3260 JPX 4 Laser 4 Cartridges OC - Piexon D
595 € incl. tax
JPX 4 compact spray gun + 4 OC cartridges - Piexon
Produit Europ-Arm
JPX 4 compact spray gun + 4 OC cartridges - Piexon
499.00 € TTC
SKU SP3250
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
SP3250 JPX 4 compact + 4 cartridges OC - Piexon D
499 € incl. tax
JPX Active Refills - Piexon
Produit Europ-Arm
JPX Active Refills - Piexon
50.00 € TTC
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
SP316 Active Refills OC (2 x 11 ml) D
50 € incl. tax
JPX protective spray - Piexon
Produit Europ-Arm
JPX protective spray - Piexon
272.00 € TTC
SKU SP310 / SP312
SKU Designation French Law MSRP
SP310 JPX without laser D
272 € incl. tax
SP312 JPX with laser D
355 € incl. tax
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1-5 on 5 Products


Piexon defense devices offer a powerful and safe alternative to traditional firearms, providing instant protection while minimizing the risk of serious injury. Through the use of high-tech propellants, Piexon’s irritant jet guns offer increased range, allowing users to neutralize a threat from a distance. Whether you are a security professional or a citizen concerned about their safety, Piexon offers effective solutions that meet the highest standards of personal safety.
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In France products of categories A, B, C or D are subject to rules of purchase, port, transport and detention. For more details please consult the link below.
Classification of weapons according to the French Internal Security Code
The recommended retail prices are listed as a guide..
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